
                “Regretting” (song lyric)                  by Virginia Andrews                    July 13, 1971 Summer comes…and summer goes -like my dreams of old, Autumn gold turns into winter snow – like my dreams gone cold— I should have taken the grape, not waited for wine— I should have tasted at least While I sat at the feast—…

FITA : The Stage Play New Cast Poster

A new poster advertising the FITA stage play has been unveiled ! This time showcasing Levi Hood and Kali Russell as Christopher and Cathy Dollanganger. The poster was a joint creation using director Christopher Bentivegna s wonderful photographic capture of rehearsals and Julianne Hannes creative interpretation. The tender , beautiful scene captured during rehearsals has…

FITA : The Stage Play Official Press Release

See ‘Em On Stage: A Production Company is very proud to announce the world premiere stage production of “Flowers in the Attic” written by the internationally best-selling author Andrew Neiderman and based on the V.C. Andrews novel of the same title. Directed by Christopher Bentivegna (Evil Dead: The Musical) and working in direct conjunction with…

FITA: The Stage Play Rehearsals

With the premiere of Flowers in the Attic : The Stage Play not too far away now , rehearsals are well underway and AtticSecrets have been lucky enough to have a sneak peek behind the scenes! History in the making : This cast are the first ever to perform these coveted roles on stage. Mary…

Like father, Like Daughter

Sometimes I find myself pondering about Corrine and Chris ‘s early years – after they fled Foxworth Hall. So many unanswered questions – How did they survive ? Wasn’t there a war on ? Wouldn’t it seem strange Chris wasn’t in service ? How did they get a house ? And, lastly, and quite importantly…

In search of …a VCA fans holy grail

For years there were whispers and hints of VCA s unpublished work , for over 30 years fans were desperate to find out if the rumours were true …To get their hands on what soon became the holy grail to any VCA fan. Last month , AtticSecrets revealed The Lost Angels of VCA forum moderator…

My Sweet Audrina Timeline

WARNING ! CONTAINS SPOILERS ! 1926 Ellsbeth Whitefern is born illegitimately 1928 Lucietta Whitefern , the heir to the Whitefern Estate is born. 9th September 1946 The First Audrina’s birthdate 1944 Lucietta Whitefern has a passionate affair with her music teacher. 9th September 1955 the first Audrina s death 1959 Arden Lowe is born January…

We need to talk about ….. Damian Adare

Damian Adare – Manipulative, narcissistic, weak , charismatic, conniving ……. This was the man who drove a wedge between two sets of sisters,  his charismatic charm managing to have a hold over the women in his life even when they wished to flee him. So, what is the deal with daddy dearest? What is his…

A Very VCA Murder

Recently on AtticSecrets Julianne Hannes questioned if The Whitefern murders were to feature on Dateline then who would be guilty of the murders? Damian? Vera? Sylvia or Audrina ? What would be their motives and do their alibis hold up ? However, fans are still torn between suspects and the whodunnit element of My Sweet…