Corrines Pearls

Corrine’s diamond butterfly clasp pearl necklace is such an important detail in the Dollanganger saga. It is spoken of in the first three books , having created a lasting impression with both the Dollanganger children and in turn, the readers. AtticSecrets were thrilled when the wonderful Julianne Hannes (expert at tracking things down) posted an…

Corrines Plan

This week one of our favourite tweeters Marisol K asked @AtticSecrets79 if Corrine really was smart enough to have thought up the poisoning plan by herself ? I put her question to the AtticSecrets group and we had , as usual, a great discussion on this and all things Corrine Everyone has an opinion on…

Doesnt everybody love their mother ?

“There are some mothers you can’t love because they simply dont want you to love them ” A sad statement and one that tells us so much about the characters of Corrine and Olivia. What in particular were Olivias motivations behind this? Why didn’t she want Corrine to love her ? In my opinion ,…

Fan Art Friday

Here at AtticSecrets we love our members creativity and adore a bit of fan art ! So, to celebrate our new Twitter handle @atticsecrets79 and Tumblr account AtticSecrets1979 we have launched #FanartFriday showcasing the talent of the fans. First up is this wonderful Attic inspired creation by Julianne Hannes – a long term VCA fan…

Mommy Dearest : Rebecca Elizabeth Hollingsworth as Corrine

“Go on, glare your eyes at me, and cry and plead, and talk to me about money and what it can buy. But it can’t buy back a child once he’s dead!” The death of Cory left so much pain and so many things in its wake. How was Corrine this heartless? So asks Jennifer…

Secret Brother

If one good thing has come out of this diary series , I d have to say its got us discussing again …seeming plot hole s left over in the original saga… Neiderman has put to good use the fans ideas posted on his VCA fan page and he did ask for the fans input…

Secret Brother

If one good thing has come out of this diary series , I d have to say its got us discussing again …seeming plot hole s left over in the original saga… Neiderman has put to good use the fans ideas posted on his VCA fan page and he did ask for the fans input…

Corrine s Story

“Do you expect me to kill my father?” “Corrine, your marriage is illegal. We can’t make a claim for any money from Christopher’s estate. Accept that. You married your half-uncle knowingly. Soon the law will be at your heels, the media and everyone will know, your children will know! I beg you to save yourself….