The Swan Bed

Back in June , Julianne Hannes , who also created this wonderful collage asked : What was the significance of the Swan Bed ? Is it symbolism ? The Swan bed is dominant within the Dollanganger saga and with anything Virginia does , this was a completely intentional detail. Neisha Chetty explained at the time…

Doesnt everybody love their mother ?

“There are some mothers you can’t love because they simply dont want you to love them ” A sad statement and one that tells us so much about the characters of Corrine and Olivia. What in particular were Olivias motivations behind this? Why didn’t she want Corrine to love her ? In my opinion ,…

Mommy Dearest : Rebecca Elizabeth Hollingsworth as Corrine

“Go on, glare your eyes at me, and cry and plead, and talk to me about money and what it can buy. But it can’t buy back a child once he’s dead!” The death of Cory left so much pain and so many things in its wake. How was Corrine this heartless? So asks Jennifer…

Interview with Neisha Chetty

Interview With Neisha Chetty by Lorraine Elgar Neisha Chetty is a name that causes more than a few ripples amongst the V c Andrews fan base. Her exciting and intriguing theories cause much debate and discussion amongst fans worldwide. Today Neisha has kindly agreed to open up on where her theories come from and why…

Like father, Like Daughter

Sometimes I find myself pondering about Corrine and Chris ‘s early years – after they fled Foxworth Hall. So many unanswered questions – How did they survive ? Wasn’t there a war on ? Wouldn’t it seem strange Chris wasn’t in service ? How did they get a house ? And, lastly, and quite importantly…