The Swan Bed

Back in June , Julianne Hannes , who also created this wonderful collage asked : What was the significance of the Swan Bed ? Is it symbolism ? The Swan bed is dominant within the Dollanganger saga and with anything Virginia does , this was a completely intentional detail. Neisha Chetty explained at the time…

A Masterpiece of Prose

“Artists use lies to tell the truth. Yes, I created a lie. ” Alan Moore V for Vendetta. I once read a blog entitled ” VCA s masterpiece of something thrives on manure “ Harsh. Indeed, for what is actually an insightful look at Virginia’s work, It is marred by the fact that for all…

Shall the Clay …..?

“No way back to recall the way, because I threw out all the why’s. ” Lyrics from “the Scarlet Thing in you” by Peter Murphy  Virginia Andrews was intrigued by the why’s, she was basically obsessed with it … She wrote and designed The Dollanganger series as part of a BIG puzzle left for us…

Solving the Whitefern Murders

The prisms, the rocking chair, the cupola and the wind chimes …… Trying to solve the Whitefern murders.. Okay, no doubt, this is one of the creepiest books I’ve ever read. The one puzzle that keeps gnawing at my brain… was it Sylvia or Vera who dunnit ?  Virginia gave us plenty of “evasions no…

Corrine s Story

“Do you expect me to kill my father?” “Corrine, your marriage is illegal. We can’t make a claim for any money from Christopher’s estate. Accept that. You married your half-uncle knowingly. Soon the law will be at your heels, the media and everyone will know, your children will know! I beg you to save yourself….

The Porcelain Prisoners

A haunting combination of dual imagery : innocent fragilty twinned with utter devastation………Beautiful survivors – Introducing The Dresden Dolls. Dolls are a constant theme within the Dollanganger Saga, even their imagery is described in such terms : They were a fairytale family with blue eyes and blonde hair , like the delicate, fragile china dolls…