The Seven Deadly Sins : Wrath

Sin : Wrath Sinner: The Grandmother  Wrath ; Forceful, vindictive anger that expresses itself in a desire to punish someone: Nobody quite represents Wrath than that of The Grandmother in Flowers in the Attic. Way before her appearance at the Christmas Party in Ruby Red ( the colour of Wrath itself) her self righteous anger at…

The Seven Deadly  Sins : Envy 

​With its religious connotations throughout the book, Flowers in the Attic was always going to have the “hidden” religious themes such as the Seven Deadly Sins.  In this section i will be exploring each sin and what section of the story they appear in , how they affect the characters and why …. Envy (Latin, invidia)…

Shall the Clay …..?

“No way back to recall the way, because I threw out all the why’s. ” Lyrics from “the Scarlet Thing in you” by Peter Murphy  Virginia Andrews was intrigued by the why’s, she was basically obsessed with it … She wrote and designed The Dollanganger series as part of a BIG puzzle left for us…